Equality CURRICULUM Statement
At Canada Hill Primary School we demonstrate mutual respect between all members of our school community. We strive to achieve a feeling of openness and tolerance which welcomes everyone and respects different view points. Everybody is encouraged to greet visitors from the local and wider community with friendliness and respect and any evidence of discriminatory or bullying behaviour will be challenged. Emphasis is placed on the value that diversity brings to the school community rather than the challenges.
Whole School Aims
- We believe that equality at Canada Hill Primary School should permeate all aspects of school life and it is the responsibility of every member of the school and wider community;
- Everybody should feel safe, valued, supported and of equal worth.
- Everybody should be free from discrimination, harassment, victimisation or bullying of any type, including cyber-bullying, irrespective of colour, origin, culture, gender, ability, disability or circumstance.
We use the curriculum to enhance the self-esteem of all pupils and to provide learning environments in which every individual is encouraged to fulfil their potential.
Students should learn about British history, but knowledge of the history of other cultures (and not only as they have been encountered through their interactions with the British Isles) is as vital as knowledge of foreign languages to enable British citizens to understand the full variety and diversity of human life. (D’Avray et al., 2013)
We will ensure:
- Curriculum planning reflects a commitment to equality.
- All pupils, regardless of gender, physical disability, special educational or behavioural need will have equal access to the curriculum, appropriate for their age or ability.
- The curriculum may be modified and/or differentiated to enable the individual pupil to maximise their learning.
- The curriculum prepares pupils for life in a diverse society. In recognising that our pupil population and local community is less diverse (according to our annual census and local data), we will work to provide opportunities for our learners to work with a range of people from different age groups, backgrounds, religious, ethnic and cultural groups, whilst also reflecting the background and experience of pupils and families in the school.
- Assemblies and Collective Worship also enable specific matters around religion, belief and culture to be directly addressed.
- That there will be opportunities in the curriculum to explore concepts and issues related to identity and equality;
- Equal Opportunities will also be specifically taught and promoted through certain areas of the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum. Science and Sex and Relationship Education lessons (SRE) will provide opportunities for issues relating to gender and sexual matters to be addressed, as appropriate for the age of the children.
- That attitudes and values are promoted that celebrate and respect diversity, challenge stereotypes and discriminatory behaviour and language wherever it occurs; PSHE and RE in particular will provide opportunities for students to develop their understanding, tolerance and empathy.
We aim to provide all our pupils with the opportunity to succeed and to reach the highest level of personal achievement.
To do this, teaching and learning will:
- Provide equality of access for all pupils, including those with physical disabilities, special educational or behavioural needs and prepare them for life in society.
- Provide opportunities for pupils to appreciate their own culture and religions and celebrate the diversity of other cultures.
- Promote attitudes and values that will challenge discriminatory behaviour
- All adults at Canada Hill Primary School will be expected to act as positive role models in their approach to all issues relating to equality of opportunity.
- Use materials that reflect our diverse society and promote positive images.
- Provide educational visits and extended learning opportunities that involve all pupil groups.
- Seek to involve all parents in supporting their child’s education.
We recognise that it is important that all members of the school community use appropriate language which:
- Does not transmit or confirm stereotypes.
- Does not offend.
- Creates and enhances positive images of all groups.
- Uses accurate language in referring to particular groups or individuals and challenges in instances where this is not the case
For more information about Equality and Diversity at Canada Hill please see our Equality Policy